Guavas To Watermelon: These 7 Fruits Are Ideal For Weight Loss

by bornika Das

If you are trying to lose weight and don't know what fruits to consume, we have prepared a list for you. It is important to consume two varieties of fruits in a day that helps to provide necessary nutrition. Check out the fruits you can consume during your weight loss journey:


They are considered to be excellent fat burner as they are low in calories and high in fibre. Consuming apple in the morning provides slow release of fructose into the blood, thus providing energy. Its polyphenol extract reduces inflammation and maintains good cholesterol level. 


This fruit helps in clearing out toxins from the body. A cup of pomegranate seeds when eaten every other day considerably reduce the craving for junk food as they are low in calorie and high on fibre and water content. It improves digestion and help preventing arthritis.


They boost metabolic rate of the body, which is responsible for burning calories quicker. They prevent the tendency to binge eat while controlling the daily calorie intake. They produce good cholesterol and lowers blood sugar levels.


Loaded with antioxidants, this sweet and tangy summer fruit helps flushing out toxins from the body. Consuming pineapple in the morning helps keeping blood sugar levels in check. Besides, it is rich in manganese and Vitamic C.


Considered to be one of the healthiest fruits for people with weight issues and lifestyle ailments, watermelons are high in water content and low in sugar. They have no fat content and are rich in Vitamin A,B and C. 


Rich in Vitamin C, this fruit is good for oral health as well as overall wellness. It helps in fat metabolism and helps to burn it. Oranges keep one full for many hours and reduce craving.

Seasonal Fruits

Our country is blessed with seasonal fruits, from mangoes to jamun in the summer, to cherry and plums in the monsoon, to custard apples and grapes in the winter.