Grilled Pineapple Mojito Recipe You Would Love To Try

By Vidushi Singh

The Grilled Pineapple Mojito is particularly good at transporting you to a tropical vacation.


3/4 ounce agave nectar 1/2 ounce lime juice, freshly squeezed 1 mint sprig 2 ounces pineapple juice 2 ounces Brugal Especial extra dry rum 1/4 cup grilled pineapple chunks Garnish: mint leave

Step 1

In a Collins glass, lightly muddle the agave nectar, lime juice, and mint leaf.

Step 2

Stir in the pineapple juice after adding it.

Step 3

Crushed ice should be added before adding rum and grilled pineapple slices on top.

Step 4

Leafy mint is a nice garnish.

Pro Tip

Slice a ripe pineapple into third-inch thick pieces after removing the skin and top. Grill till it is caramelised. Slice into pieces.