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Greek Yoghurt Benefits: 6 Surprising Reasons To Add It To Your Diet

By Krati Purwar

January 19, 2024

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Greek yoghurt has a high amount of protein and a subtle sweet taste. It has surprising benefits for your health that you might not be aware of. Here is a list of reasons why adding the goodness of this ingredient to your diet can help you improve your overall well-being.

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Boosts Metabolism

Since Greek yoghurt has a high amount of protein, it can help you increase the number of calories you burn in a day. It contains healthy fats that help to boost metabolism. 

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Builds Muscle Mass

Protein-rich food items are associated with building muscle mass. If your workout routine includes weight training, Greek yoghurt can help you stay on the top of your game. 

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Strengthens Bones

Rich in calcium and other nutrients, Greek yoghurt is associated with strengthening bones and reducing risks of osteoporosis. You can add it to your breakfast to extract its benefits.

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Improves Gut Health

Greek yoghurt contains probiotics (good bacteria) that improve the gut flora and digestive system. You can speak to your healthcare expert about adding it to your diet.

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Lowers Blood Pressure

Made by using fermented milk, Green yoghurt can lower blood pressure and reduce risks of cardiovascular diseases. Hence, it is also good for your heart health.

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Controls Cravings

Greek yoghurt satisfies hunger and helps to control cravings. It can reduce munching in between meals. Thus, adding it to your diet can help you watch your weight.

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