Grains For Weight Loss: 10 Varieties To Eat And Avoid

By Risha Ganguly

September 6, 2023

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Grains are a fundamental part of many diets, and making smart choices can aid in weight loss.  Here are 10 varieties of grains to eat and avoid when working towards your weight loss goals.

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Quinoa - Eat

Packed with protein and fibre, quinoa keeps you feeling full longer.

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Brown rice - Eat

A fiber-rich alternative to processed white rice, it makes for good pulao.

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Oats - Eat

 High in soluble fibre, oats aid in appetite control. It is a popular breakfast option.

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Barley - Eat

Barley contains beta-glucans that reduce hunger, hence helping manage weight.

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Buckwheat - Eat

Nutrient-rich and protein-packed, you can eat the grain to curb cravings.

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Bulgur - Eat

Supports weight loss with its high fibre content, bulgur is very versatile too.

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White Rice - Avoid

High in empty calories and refined carbs, try to avoid white rice.

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Couscous - Avoid

Couscous is often processed and less nutritious compared to whole grains.

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Wheat - Avoid

Lacks fibre and can cause rapid blood sugar spikes, wheat is worse when refined.

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Cornmeal - Avoid

The high glycemic index of cornmeal may contribute to weight gain.

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