Got Asthma? 10 Do’s & Don’ts To Prevent Triggers This Monsoon

By Shireen Jamooji

July 4, 2023

While monsoon can trigger asthma attacks and worsen sympoms of the respiratory disease as well, following these dietary do’s and don’t can help a lot. Here’s what you should know.

Do Eat A Balanced Diet

Consume a well-balanced diet to ensure you get essential nutrients to support overall health, including respiratory function.

Don't Rely Solely On Supplements

While supplements can be beneficial in certain cases, it's essential to obtain most of your nutrients from a well-balanced diet.

Do Choose Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Include foods rich in antioxidants which help reduce airway inflammation and oxidative stress associated with asthma.

Don't Overindulge In Processed Foods

Avoid or limit these foods, as they may contain trans fats and additives that can promote inflammation and worsen asthma symptoms.

Do Add Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Include sources of omega-3 fatty acids as they have anti-inflammatory properties and may improve lung function.

Don't Skip Meals

Skipping meals can lead to fluctuations in blood sugar levels, potentially triggering asthma symptoms in some individuals.

Do Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of water to stay well-hydrated, as proper hydration helps keep the airways moist and supports lung function.

Don't Overeat

Overeating can put pressure on the diaphragm and lungs which can potentially aggravating asthma symptoms.

Do Monitor Food Triggers

Keep track of your diet and asthma symptoms to identify any specific food triggers that may worsen asthma.

Don't Consume Trigger Foods

Common triggers may include certain allergens like dairy, eggs, nuts, or sulfites in processed foods.