Going Meat Free? Try These 8 Vegan Substitutes

By Shireen Jamooji

July 4, 2023

Looking for meat alternatives to incorporate into your meals? Here are eight delicious substitutes that cater to various dietary preferences, providing a wide range of options for vegans, vegetarians, and flexitarians alike.


A fermented soybean product with a firm texture and nutty flavour, ideal for grilling or stir-frying.


Made from wheat gluten, it offers a meaty texture and absorbs flavours well when marinated or seasoned.


High in protein and fibre, lentils make a nutritious and affordable meat alternative in stews, soups, and salads.


With a soft and custard-like texture, tofu is perfect for blending into smoothies, sautéing, or using in Asian-inspired dishes.


When grilled or roasted, these mushrooms become meaty and flavorful, perfect for burgers and sandwiches.


This versatile fruit has a fibrous texture and takes on savoury flavours, making it a great meat substitute in tacos, sandwiches, and curries.


A staple in many cuisines, chickpeas can be mashed into falafel or hummus, or roasted for a crispy snack.

Soya Chunks

Made from defatted soy flour, these versatile and protein-packed chunks work well in chilli, stir-fries, and as a ground meat replacement in tacos or Bolognese sauces.