Goan Khaje To Sitabhog - 6 GI Tagged Sweets Of India

By Risha Ganguly

India is full of desserts that are unique. Every region has its speciality and every dessert is unique in its own way. Here are some GI-tagged sweets you need to try, if you have not already.

Dhadwad Peda

Made by Thakur family in Karnataka, the recipe of this peda is still not public.


Made with chhena and rice flour, this Bengali dessert is rare and delicious.


Mihi means small and this dessert is the small version of boondi, made in Bengal.

Tirupathi Laddu

Made in Tirupathi, Andhra Pradesh, only pure cow ghee is used to roll these laddus.


This dessert is different in Odisha and Bengal, but both are equally delicious.

Goan Khaje

Made for temple prasad as well as Church feasts, this Goan dessert is a finger-sized sweet treat.