Fruits Of Goa: 7 Varieties You Can Enjoy In Your Next Visit

By Nikita Toppo

Along with beautiful beaches and tourist spots, Goa is also known for its varieties of fruits. Here are seven fruits that grow in the state.


Amti, Raspali, Velchi, Saldatti, Savaboni and Myndoli are the varieties of bananas grown in Goa.


Also known as sapota, chikoo came to India via the Portuguese.


This tropical delight is another fruit that is grown in the state. It is used to make a local delicacy called perada.


Goa is known for its varieties of mangoes, some of which are Mankurad, Bardez Monserrate and Manga Hilario.

Custard Apples

This fruit was brought to Goa from Indonesia by the Portuguese.


Popular as vegan alternative to chicken, jackfruit ripens during summer in Goa.


Brought to Goa all the way from South America, this fruit can be commonly found in home gardens.