Hot Cross Buns To Pashka, Top 10 Easter Recipes

By Ranita Ray

Easter might conjure images of variegated Easter Eggs, but the festive spread is diverse. Almost every nation with a Christian population has one or many traditional Easter foods. So, if you plan to host an Easter party, try including these 10 dishes.

Hot Cross Buns

These are loaded with dried fruit. The crosses symbolise Christ's crucifixion and ward off evil. As tradition dictates, Hot Cross Buns strengthens bonds.

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Bacalhoada, a fish-and-vegetable meal from Brazil, is a festive favourite. Several families employ this classic Portuguese dish to spruce up Easter meals



On Easter Saturday, Polish swięcone baskets are filled with  Babaka, a sweet, buttery Polish yeast bread. This recipe contains delicious, enticing chocolate swirls.

American Glazed Ham

Easter's most traditional dish is glazed American ham! A bone-in meat that's not spiral sliced is easier to score and cooks more lusciously.



Zurek, a Polish soup, contains rye flour, sausage, carrots, basil and spices. It is often eaten on Easter in Poland with cooked eggs inside toast.

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Le Gigot d'Agneau Pascal

French Easter meals feature red meat rather than fish. Easter Sunday's traditional dinner is Le Gigot d'Agneau Pascal, roasted lamb shank with beans and potatoes.

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Capirotada is a fruit-filled Mexican bread custard with regional variations. The bread depicts Jesus' flesh, the cinnamon sticks the cross and the cloves the nails.

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Simnel Cake

It's an Easter staple in England. Simnel is a fruit cake, but its defining element is the addition of marzipan and 11 balls on the top, signifying Jesus's 11 disciples.

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Easter is Pascua, and Pascualina means "Eastertime Tart in Spanish. Argentina adopted this Italian spinach and ricotta pie for Easter. It represents Christ's resurrection with its numerous eggs.

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Pashka, a Russian delicacy, has several meanings. It's pyramidal like Christ's tomb. The cookie is decorated with "XB" and other religious symbols in Cyrillic. 

Image Source: DancingTomatoes@YouTube