From Cardamom To Chilli Flakes: Discover 10 Spices That Can Elevate Cocktail

By Bhavana Verma

December 14th, 2023

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Spices have been used in cocktails for centuries to enhance the flavour profile of the drink. Various spices contribute to various aromas in every drink, contributing to the complexity that is felt with every sip. Let's explore some of the popular spices that can uplift the taste of every cocktail.

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The subtle citrusy undertones of cardamom, when paired with cocktails, add an elegant and rich flavour to the cocktail.

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The earthy and sweet flavour of cinnamon conjures a sense of cosiness in cocktails. It is often used as a garnishing element for festive touch.

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Star Anise

The unique complexity, sweetness, and licorice-like flavour that star anise adds to the drinks are often loved by people looking for a unique twist in their drinks.

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Black Pepper

The spicy and intriguing flavour of black pepper combines well with the bitterness of alcohol. This imparts a  hearty warmth to the drink.

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The spicy notes of cloves are widely used in cocktails to add a unique touch of spicy aroma to the characteristic sweet flavour of the drink.

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Vanilla pods or vanilla extract can act as a natural sweetener for many cocktails. The infusion of sweetness balances the harsh and contrasting flavours.

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Infusion of nutmeg into cocktails creates a nutty and warming flavour. Garnishing cocktails with grated nutmeg adds to the aesthetics of the drink.

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The distinctive citrusy and spicy taste of coriander brings an herbal touch to cocktails. You can use coriander powder in the drink and its leaves for garnishing.

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Chilli Powder

It is often used in many cocktails and even has the names of the cocktails after it. A touch of chilli flakes brings a spicy kick to every sip.

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The pungent taste and zesty freshness of ginger can make the cocktail experience more lively and enjoyable.

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