Fool-Proof Digestive Hacks For Festive Season Indulgences

By Devi Poojari

There is no need to stop yourself from having that extra helping of cake or eating one too many canapes, if you’ve included these simple, homemade concoctions to keep your digestion in check.

Lemon Shots

If you feel like you have eaten too much of something that doesn’t sit well with your body, or you suffer from a bout of loose motions, combine equal amounts of fresh lemon juice and water and consume on an empty stomach or first thing in the morning. Although the lemon is acidic, it alkalises the body when mixed with water and consumed, thus regulating your digestive acids and keeping your gut healthy.

Herbal Tea

Soaking cumin, coriander, ginger and fennel seeds in a cup of water overnight and boiling it before drinking the next morning, works wonders for any kind of body type with ailments. It not only cools down your body temperature but also reignites the digestive fire that has high chances of being doused with all the food your stomach is trying so hard to digest.


Although old-school, there is a reason why mukhwaas is known to be a remedy for good digestion. Avoid buying the sugar-coated, fluorescent coloured ones that come in packets and opt for a herbal one from the plenty of options available online.