Foods You Should Parboil Before Cooking 

By Deepali Verma 

In addition to saving time and enhancing the flavour and texture of many dishes, parboiling also helps to ensure that they are cooked uniformly and fully in future preparations. Here are foods that should be parboiled before cooking.  


Parboiling rice quickly before cooking removes starch and improves texture. Biryani and fried rice employ this method. 


Potatoes are softened and cooked faster by parboiling. It's useful when creating roasted potatoes or potato salads. 


Parboiling beans and legumes like chickpeas or kidney beans softens them and speeds up cooking. Toxins in some types are also removed by it. 


Before grilling or roasting, parboiling meat or poultry can reduce fat and cooking time. It can also remove bad tastes and pollutants. 

To uniformly cook some vegetables, parboil them. Before roasting or sautéing, broccoli, and cauliflower can be gently parboiled. 
