Food Hacks 101: 6 Tricks To Store Mushrooms In Winters

By Smriti Dey

January 9, 2024

Image Credit: Unsplash

The shelf life of mushrooms deteriorates rapidly during the winter season. But what to do to keep the mushrooms fresh and tasty? Learn these tricks to ensure your mushrooms stay crisp and flavorful even during the colder months. Serve fresh dishes with your favourite mushrooms with these little hacks.

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Use a Paper Bag

Paper bags allow for better air circulation, helping to prevent excess moisture buildup.

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Ventilation Holes

Poke a few small holes in the paper bag to allow for ventilation. This prevents the mushrooms from getting too humid.

Image Credit: Unsplash

Don't Wash Before Storage

Washing the mushrooms right before is a good practice, as washing them before will reduce their shelf life.

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Keep Them Separate

Store mushrooms separately from other fruits and vegetables because some fruits produce ethylene gas bad for the shelf life of mushrooms. 

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Check Regularly

Periodically check the mushrooms. Remove any spoiled mushrooms to prevent them from affecting the others.

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Freezing For Long-Term Storage

If you want to store mushrooms for an extended period, consider freezing them. It keeps them good all year round!

Image Credit: Unsplash