Follow These Tips To Store Beans And Pulses For Long Periods

By Saumya Singh

Beans and pulses are rich sources of protein. They have a long shelf life if preserved well. Here are some tips to store them the right way.

Beans and pulses should be kept in food-safe storage containers such as mylar bags or glass jars with tight-fitting lids to maintain their freshness intact.

Always make sure that you store the dried beans and pulses away from direct sunlight in a cool, dry place.

Pulses can be kept in their original packaging if you intend to use them within the first month after purchase.

Iron-containing oxygen absorbers kill insects by removing oxygen from the environment. Hence you can place these absorbers in your sealed or storage bags.  

If your grains or nuts have a bug infestation, you can try keeping them in direct sunlight for a day or two and then store them away. However, be careful, as the bugs can bury themselves inside the grains as well.

To get rid of extra oxygen, you can vacuum seal the beans and pulses storage containers. Dried beans that have been vacuum-sealed can survive up to five years.