Follow These Tips To Buy The Best Tender Coconut 

By Deepali Verma

To fully benefit from the rejuvenating and moisturising qualities of coconut, it is essential to choose delicate coconut. How to pick the best one is explained here. 

Step 1 

Look for a coconut that feels heavy and full of water when shaken gently. 

Step 2 

Choose a coconut with a firm shell, free from cracks or leaks. 

Step 3 

Ensure that the top of the coconut has a smooth, rounded shape. 

Step 4 

Check for a small, soft indentation on the top, indicating a tender coconut. 

Step 5 

Listen for a sloshing sound when you tap the coconut, which indicates the presence of water. 

Step 6  

Avoid coconuts with a strong, fermented odor or discolored husk. 

Step 7 

Avoid coconuts with a strong, fermented odor or discolored husk.