
Follow These  8 Ayurvedic Rules To Eat Healthily!

By Team Editorial


Ayurveda has always relied heavily on nutrition to promote wellness. You can access the age-old knowledge of healthy eating by following these 8 Ayurveda rules listed below.

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Eat when you are truly hungry

We may occasionally mistake dehydration for hunger. So, give about three hours between meals so that the food gets time to be digested.


Dine in a relaxed, comfortable setting

While you eat, take a seat and try to avoid any distractions. Eating slowly and attentively encourages you to relish each bite.


Consume the appropriate amount

Although referred to as a bag, the stomach does not need to hold more food than is necessary. Instead, consume as much food as will make you feel full.


Consume freshly prepared meals

Your meals should be served warm to promote easy digestion. To conserve your health, avoid foods taken directly from the refrigerator.


Have wholesome food

Junk and fatty foods make life miserable, while healthy foods make life joyous!


During mealtimes, be mindful

Make sure all five of your senses are engaged while eating.


Consume food slowly

Take your time and chew your food thoroughly rather than gobbling it whole and washing it down with water.


Dine during scheduled time

Respect the rhythms of your body. Try to set consistent mealtimes every day, despite being busy.

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