By Devi Poojari
August 7, 2023
Image Credit: Unsplash
As you get through the ebb and flow of your pregnancy journey, nausea is one of the most common side-effects that women experience. Tap to know more.
Apply firm pressure on the wrist joint and hold in place for a couple of minutes, until the feeling subsides.
While being pregnant, it is important to ensure that your stomach is not empty at any point of time, by making sure to eat small, healthy meals.
Including foods like nut butters, beans and eggs in your daily diet to add a lush of proteins and B vitamins, that help in curbing nausea.
Keep orange candies, candied lemon or oranges within reach, as well as infuse drinking water with lemon slices.
If the smell of certain foods makes you feel uncomfortable, avoid them as much as possible.
Try to include freshly grated ginger, candied ginger and ginger powder in your diet as much as you can, as its warming properties soothe bloating and nausea.