
Flaxseeds To Sesame: 6 Seeds To Have In The Diet

By Tanisha Salwan

Flax seeds inside heart mould
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Flaxseeds are a great source of protein and fiber. They can help the body in so many ways.

Raw Green Organic Pumpkin Seed Pepitas in a Bowl
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Pumpkin Seeds

Loaded with healthy fats and protein, pumpkin seeds can prevent iron-deficiency in the body.


Poppy Seeds

A good source of fiber, manganese and calcium, poppy seeds can improve digestion.

Chai seeds spread out on a dining room table, wooden spoon and white dish

Chia Seeds

Power packed with fiber and so many other minerals, chia seeds can be excellent for weight loss.

Sesame seeds on a black spoon.

Sesame Seeds

Rich in copper, calcium as well as magnesium, sesame seeds are great for bones.


Hemp Seeds

Hemp seeds have good amount of vitamin E and other nutrients. They can be highly beneficial for the body.

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