Fiber-rich Vegetables To Include In Your Diet 

By Deepali Verma

While whole grains and legumes also contain fibre, these veggies are high in fibre and could help you meet your daily requirements.


In addition to being a fantastic source of fibre, beets also include potassium, iron, and folate. You can boil it, put it in salads, or cook it into a delicious vegetable meal.


This cruciferous vegetable is stuffed with of soluble fibre that will speed up weight loss and prevent digestive problems. 


The skin of the potato contains a lot of fibre, even though the potato itself may not be a very high-fiber food. 

Green Peas 

A surprising source of dietary fibre is the common green pea. Green peas are also a good source of protein, which can help you lose weight faster by enabling you to eat less. 


The root vegetable is well recognised for being healthy for the eyes, but it also contains a significant amount of fibre. 

Due to their mostly water content, cucumbers have been hailed as a great addition to diets for losing weight. Yet it also has a lot of fibre, especially if you eat it with the skin. 
