Feeling Stressed? Avoid These 8 Foods If You Have Anxiety

By Shireen Jamooji

September 6, 2023

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Maintaining a diet that supports mental well-being is essential, especially when dealing with anxiety.  Here are eight foods to steer clear of as they can exacerbate anxiety.

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Found in coffee and energy drinks, caffeine can trigger jitters and worsen anxiety by increasing heart rate and disrupting sleep.

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Sugary Sweets

High sugar intake leads to energy spikes and crashes, affecting mood stability and increasing anxiety.

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While initially calming, alcohol can disrupt sleep patterns and lead to increased anxiety the next day.

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Processed Foods

High in trans fats and artificial additives, these foods can inflame the body and negatively impact mental health.

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Excessive Salt

 Excessive salt intake can elevate blood pressure, potentially intensifying feelings of anxiety.

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Artificial Sweeteners

Some people may experience heightened anxiety and mood swings when consuming artificial sweeteners.

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Fried Foods

Greasy, fried foods can be hard to digest, potentially leading to physical discomfort that exacerbates anxiety.

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