Ever Tried These Murabba Varieties?

By Tanisha Salwan

What comes to your mind when you think of a delectable treat preserved with spices, sugar, and fruit mostly protein-rich ones? Let's see some murabba varieties that are loved by all.

Amla Murabba

Amla has innumerable health benefits and comes with a high content of Vitamin C as well as iron. 

Image credits: Instagram/framecoast

Carrot Murabba

This murabba tastes delicious and is even better than carrot pickle.

Image credits: Instagram/food4veggie

Ginger Murabba

This is yet another delicious and healthy murabba variety. 

Cherry Murabba

Cherry was already magic and this cherry murabba could be everything you wanted to have.

Bael Murabba

Among its several health benefits, it is best known for curing abdominal diseases.