Ever Tried Sannata Raita? Here Is The Recipe

By Tanisha Salwan

October 7, 2023

Image Credit: Unsplash

There are many Indian dishes with a unique name. One of them is "Sannata Raita". But why is it named so? Well, as per experts, this raita is named so because it can help silence digestion issues and all tummy troubles. Want the recipe? TAP TO VIEW!

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1 cup curd 1 cup water 1 tsp hing 1 tsp mustard oil ½ tsp red chilli powder 1 tsp roasted cumin seeds ½ tsp chopped green chilli Rock salt to taste

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Step 1

Take a bowl and add curd. Add water to the curd and mix it well. Bring the curd to a watery consistency. 

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Step 2

Add salt to the curd. Take a small earthen lamp or diya. Now heat the diya till it turns red.

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Step 3

Add mustard oil, chopped green chili, hing, cumin seeds, and red chili powder quickly. 

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Step 4

Put this diya into the bowl of curd and cover the lid. Let it stay for 5 to 10 minutes.

Image Credit: Freepik

Step 5

Thereafter, take out the diya from the raita and mix the raita. The sannata raita is ready to treat your digestion issues.

Image Credit: Unsplash