Ever Tried Cocktails Dedicated To Ada Lovelace?

Ada Lovelace was the first - ever computer programmer having worked on  Charles Babbage's  Analytical Engine.

As an inspiring figure in the world of STEM, there have been tributes aplenty paid to Ada's legacy

Some of them are very 'spirited': a gin named after her and cocktails derived from her algorithmic contributions.

'Byronary Code' - a twist on the Tom Collins and combines Tapatio 110 with lemon juice, Campari, simple syrup, orange bitters, and club soda.

'Love Lace' which mixed Tranqueray with champagne and elderflower cordial, lemon juice and grapefruit bitters

'Lovelace Martini' : gin, vodka, triple sec. Lillet Blanc and which is deemed to be "dangerous and delicious"

In 2019, the Francis Ford Cappola winery created a gin "with a forward-thinking Code of 10 Botanicals" for the icon!

'Crimson Drift' combines this gin with elderflower liqueur, simple syrup, fresh lemon juice, the white of one egg, and a claret.

Incidentally, Ada Lovelace was the sole heir of Lord Byron, the renowned English poet.