Essential Kitchen Basics Every Kid Should Learn 

By Deepali Verma

August 5, 2024

Getting kids involved in the kitchen can be both fun and educational. Here are five essential kitchen basics every child should learn to become confident junior chefs. 

Washing Ingredients 

Teach kids the importance of hygiene by showing them how to wash their hands properly before handling food and to thoroughly clean fruits and vegetables. 

Measuring Ingredients 

Understanding how to measure ingredients accurately using cups, spoons, and scales is a fundamental skill that ensures recipes turn out correctly.  

Cracking Eggs 

Cracking eggs without making a mess is a great skill for kids to master. Practice makes perfect, and it’s a fun way to involve them in breakfast preparations. 

Stirring and Mixing 

Show kids how to stir and mix ingredients properly, whether it's combining dry ingredients or stirring a pot on the stove. 

Setting the Table 

Teach the basics of setting a table, including where to place utensils, plates, and glasses. This skill promotes good manners and an understanding of meal preparation.