English Chocolate Crisps: A Quick Solution To Your Sweet Tooth 

By Nikita Toppo

Looking for a quick solution for your sweet cravings? Here is the recipe of English chocolate crisps by Ina Garten.


7¼ ounces milk chocolate (chopped) 5½ ounces bittersweet chocolate (chopped) 3 cups cornflakes 1/3 cup dried cranberries

Step 1

Microwave 3/4 of both the chocolates on high heat, stirring vigorously in 30-second intervals till they are just melted. Then add the remaining chocolates and stir vigorously until smooth.

Step 2

Add cornflakes in a medium bowl and pour the chocolate mixture. Immediately fold them together with a rubber spatula, then fold in the cranberries.

Step 3

Spoon 8 mounds of chocolate crisps onto the parchment paper. Let it cool on room temperature until hardened. Peel the crisps off the paper and enjoy.