Embrace the Flavours of Custard Apple with Malai Ice Cream 

By Deepali Verma 

October 2, 2023

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Indulge in the creamy delight of homemade custard apple malai ice cream. This luscious frozen treat combines the rich flavours of custard apple with a velvety, milky texture. 

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400ml fresh cream 400g + 2 tbsp custard apple pulp 1 vanilla bean (or vanilla extract) 150 g rock sugar (mishri) 

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Step 1

To create a creamy mixture, place 400 grams of custard apple pulp, 400 milliliters of fresh cream, the extracted seeds from a vanilla bean (or 1-2 teaspoons of vanilla extract), and 150 grams of rock sugar in a blender. Blend until you attain a silky-smooth consistency. 

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Step 2

Get your ice cream moulds ready. You have the choice of using classic ice cream moulds or popsicle moulds, depending on your personal preference. 

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Step 3

Gently add a small portion of custard apple pulp (2 tablespoons that you saved earlier) into each mould. This will introduce an appealing textural contrast. Proceed to pour the smooth custard apple mixture into the moulds, filling them up to the brim with care. 

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Step 4

Wrap the moulds with plastic wrap or parchment paper to seal them tightly, ensuring no air can penetrate. This protective measure prevents the formation of ice crystals on the ice cream's surface. 

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Step 5

Put the moulds in the freezer and let them freeze for a duration of 7 to 8 hours, or until the ice cream is entirely solid and firm. Once the ice cream has set, remove the moulds from the freezer. To easily release the ice cream, briefly dip the moulds in warm water. Gently pull the ice creams out of the moulds. 

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Step 6

Serve your homemade custard apple ice cream, and enjoy a refreshing treat! 

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