
Eating Before Sunset:  5 Health Benefits As Per Ayurveda

By Aishwarya Sahasrabudhe

July 10, 2023

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Early dinners generally mean having dinner before sunset, that is, before the digestion process slows down. Having dinner according to nature's rhythm has numerous health benefits along with weight-loss. Here are 5 ways in which an early dinner can help.

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Cell Repair And Healing

Early dinner ensures that digestive processes complete sooner leaving the body with enough time to work on healing injuries, repairing muscle wear and tear and cell damage.

Sleep 5

Sound Sleep

When dinner is eaten with the sunset, it reduces excessive water intake. This means a sound, uninterrupted sleep pattern that boosts overall health and wellness.


Circadian Rhythm

The body's internal clock or Circadian rhythm adjusts well to the changing environment if dinner is had with sunset. During monsoons, when the immune system is susceptible to infection, a regulated Circadian clock promotes healing and repair.


Reduced Overeating

Satiety levels can be better monitored when the digestive fire is high. This happens best before sundown and it is easier to feel full faster reducing the tendency to overeat.


Controlled Blood Sugar Levels

Studies have shown that having dinner before sunset reduces insulin spike at night and helps to control blood sugar levels. Diabetics can consult a medical practitioner to regulate the gap between early dinner and the first meal of the morning.
