Eat 6 Foods For Good Health If Dealing With Fatty Liver

By Aishwarya Sahasrabudhe

July 19, 2023

Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) is a condition wherein excess fat stores build up in the liver that hamper its function of breaking down fats into fatty acids. Along with lifestyle changes, here are some foods that can be eaten to manage this disease.

Leafy Greens

Eating greens like spinach and broccoli might reduce fat build-up and help to combat the risk of NAFLD. Have raw spinach for optimum results.

Fatty Fish

Fatty fish contain Omega-3 which boosts good cholesterol levels and can reduce liver fat to protect the organ from NAFLD.


Recent studies have shown that caffeine can lower the number of abnormal liver enzymes and decrease the risk of liver fibrosis in those already diagnosed with fatty liver.


Eating nuts reduces oxidative stress on the body and flushes out harmful toxins. In some cases, eating walnuts has had a positive impact on liver function.


Lentils are a good source of nutrients that contain starches required for improving gut health. Studies have also indicated that lentils can lower the risks associated with NAFLD.


A natural anti-inflammatory, turmeric contains curcumin which reduces the risk of liver damage. It also prevents the over-secretion of certain enzymes caused due to fatty liver disease.