Easy Ways To Clean Tea Strainer 

By Nikita Toppo

If you are not able to clean your tea-strainer with simple washing method. Here are unbeatable hacks to make your stained tea strainer look like new again.

Using Baking Soda

Baking soda is a known cleansing agent that is used to clean different substances, this can be used for cleaning both metal and plastic strainer.

Using Alcohol

Alcohol has amazing properties in cleaning stains, just add alcohol and water in 1:4 ratio and leave the strainer immersed overnight. Then wash it next morning. 

Hard Brushing Method

If you use a metal strainer, then heat it over the flame for 3-5 minutes and rub it with an old toothbrush. Finally, wash it with water and done. 

Bleaching Your Strainer

Mix bleach with water in 1:4 ratio and soak the strainer in the solution for few minutes. Then using a toothbrush clean the stains and wash it.

Use Metal Strainer

Prefer using metal strainers over the plastic ones as the stains in the plastic strainers tend to remain permanent.