Handy Tips To Make Perfect French Fries 

By Sushmita Sengupta

We love fries, you love fries, we all love fries. Then why can’t we ever make them right? Here are some tips with the help of which you can make restaurant-style French Fries at home.

Rinse Well

Always rinse the potato sticks after cutting them to rinse off extra starch in them.  

Pre-Frying Ritual

Soak the potatoes in cold water or store them in the refrigerator at least for 30-45 minutes, before frying them.  

Drain Off Excess Water

Do not forget to drain them and dry them in a paper towel before frying them. You can also try pressing and patting them dry to drain off excess water.  

Keep The Flame On Medium

For the initial frying, keep the flame on medium or medium-hot. It is best to fry the potatoes in batches, if you fill up your pan, your fries won’t cook well if there is no room in the pan. 

Second Frying 

Let the half-fried potatoes cool down . For the second frying, keep the flame on medium-high and add the potatoes cooked in the first batch. Stir occasionally, turn off the heat when cooked.