Easy Tips To Clean And Maintain Your Wooden Board 

By Deepali Verma

September 12, 2024

Wooden boards and rolling pins are kitchen essentials, but keeping them clean and bacteria-free requires proper care. Here are five easy ways to maintain them in top condition. 

Hand Wash with Mild Soap 

Avoid the dishwasher. Gently wash wooden surfaces with mild soap and warm water to prevent warping. 

Dry Immediately 

After washing, wipe them dry with a clean cloth and allow air drying. Don’t let them soak in water. 

Use Baking Soda for Stains 

For tough stains, sprinkle baking soda, scrub with a damp cloth, and rinse thoroughly. 

Apply Oil Regularly 

Season your wooden board and rolling pin with food-grade mineral oil to prevent cracks and extend their life. 

Lemon and Salt

Rub with lemon and coarse salt to eliminate odours and keep them smelling fresh.