Easy Steps To Prepare Crispy And Creamy Bhalla Papdi Chaat At Home

By Rajan Bhattacharya

June 19, 2024

Bhalla Papdi Chaat is a popular Indian street food, blending crispy papdis and soft bhallas with tangy chutneys, spices, and fresh toppings for a delectable, flavourful experience.


1 cup, soaked urad daal 1 tablespoon chilli ginger paste Salt to taste Water to mix Oil to fry 20 ready-made papdi puris 2 cups thick, fresh yoghurt 2 cups thin buttermilk to soak bhalla 1 cup sweet tamarind and dates chutney 1/2 cup spicy mint and coriander chutney


1/2 teaspoon chilli powder, cumin, coriander powder, chaat masala, and salt 1 cup shredded carrots and beets 2 boiled and mashed potatoes 1 cup of boiled peas 1 chopped onion 1chopped tomato 1/2 cup of pomegranate pearls Sev, chopped coriander leaves to garnish

Step 1

Drain the soaked urad daal and grind it to a fine, creamy paste with minimal water. Add salt and ginger chilli paste, mix well, and fry small daal rounds until golden brown.

Step 2

Dip the fried vadas in thin buttermilk for half an hour, then squeeze out the moisture. Arrange soaked vadas and papdis on a plate, and mix potatoes with peas, salt, chilli powder, and chaat masala.

Step 3

Add chopped onions and tomatoes, and place spoonfuls of stuffing on the papdi, then pour the curd all over. Drizzle sweet tamarind-date chutney and spicy mint-coriander chutney over the mixture.

Step 4

Top with shredded veggies, pomegranate pearls, chopped coriander, and crunchy sev, and serve immediately.