Dull Skin And Wrinkles? Here Are 8 Ways Nutmeg Can Help

By Shireen Jamooji

August 31, 2023

Image Credit: Shutterstock

Not just for flavouring your desserts, let's talk about the skin-loving perks of nutmeg! This little spice packs quite a punch when it comes to skincare. Check out these 8 fab benefits:

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Glowing Skin

Nutmeg helps brighten your skin, giving it a healthy, radiant glow.

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Anti Acne

Its antibacterial properties can fight pesky acne and prevent breakouts.

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Nutmeg's granules gently slough off dead skin cells, leaving you with smoother skin.

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Scar Reduction

Those stubborn scars? Nutmeg might help lighten them over time.

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Anti Ageing

Loaded with antioxidants, nutmeg can help battle premature ageing and fine lines.

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It works as a natural cleanser, unclogging pores and reducing their appearance.

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Oil Control

Nutmeg regulates oil production, helping control that shiny T-zone.

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It tightens skin, giving it a firmer and more youthful appearance.

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