Don’t Like Karela? Here’s Why You Should Include In Your Diet 

By Deepali Verma 

Bitter melon or Karela, known for its astringent taste and unique appearance, also possesses a number of beneficial health effects. Below are six ways in which bitter melon and its extract are useful. 

Packs Key Nutrients 

Fibre, vitamin C, folate, and vitamin A are just few of the nutrients that are abundant in bitter melon. 

Balance Blood Sugar 

Diabetes-related diseases have long been helped by the usage of bitter melon, which has powerful medicinal properties. The fruit's involvement in regulating blood sugar has been validated by a number of research in recent years. 

Weight management 

Karela has a low calorie and high fibre content, making it an ideal addition to a weight loss diet by increasing fullness and decreasing hunger. 

Eye health 

Karela's high vitamin A content and other antioxidants aid in protecting eyesight and warding off diseases. 

Immunity booster 

Karela's high vitamin C content helps the body's defences, making it more resistant to illness in general. 

Karela's antioxidants protect against premature ageing and skin conditions like acne by neutralising free radicals. 

Skin health