Don't Feel Hungry Often? 7 Ways To Combat Low Appetite!

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

September 2nd, 2023

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Appetite is the urge to eat. It's okay to not have an appetite once in a while, but if it happens often, it can be due to mental or physical illness. Low appetite also leads to malnutrition. Don't worry, here are 7 tips you can follow to combat low appetite!

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Eat Small Meals Frequently

Your body may not feel the urge to eat three big meals a day. So try compensating for it by frequently having small meals. Increase the frequency gradually and add more nutritious ingredients to them.

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Make Eating Enjoyable

Maybe you feel lonely. Maybe it's frustrating to surf a new show while your food's waiting. Maybe you don't enjoy eating much because of the process. Surround yourself with people, make it enjoyable by sharing meals and accommodate your schedule for frequent meals.

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Don't Skip Breakfast

It's important to never skip the most important meal of the day if you don't want to forget your appetite. Having breakfast is more important than having regular meals everyday.

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Eat Less Fiber

High fiber diets make you feel full and decrease your appetite. They also slow down your digestion so they must be had in minimal amounts.

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Drink Your Calories

You may not be hungry enough to chew. But a drink always helps! Add a fruit juice, smoothie or any healthy beverage to your daily routine.

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Eat More Of What You Like

It's a simple way to keep your appetite up. If you like what you eat, you'll definitely want to eat more.

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Limit Beverages When Eating

Try not to interrupt your meals with a frequent sip of your beverage. Try keeping the drink intake 30 mins prior to your meal.

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