Do You Why Having Ghee Every Day Is Healthy? 7 Benefits Of Clarified Butter

By Bornika Das

August 17, 2023

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If you have the habit of spreading ghee in your chapatti or adding a spoon of ghee to steaming rice, then you must know the benefits it adds to your body. Intaking ghee in limited portions add several benefits to your body. Let’s take a look at them: 

Good For Digestion 

Ghee helps in promoting healthy gut. Ghee is free of lactose and casein which is good for indviduals with lactose intolerance, helping in promoting digestive health. 

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Strengthens Immunity System 

The presence of large quantities of butyrate, omega-3s, and fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E and K  help in boosting immunity system. 

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Enables Weight Management 

Ghee contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids which help lose weight by burning the body’s fat tissue, thus producing energy, helping to lose weight. 

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Heals Wounds 

Healing wounds is one of the most popular properties of ghee. However, more studies are required to understand the link


Improves Eye Health 

According to Ayurveda, ghee is good for eyes. It increases and strengthens the power of the eye which helps improving eye sight.

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Promotes Bone Health 

Adding ghee to your diet may increase bone density and muscle mass by helping you get rid of excess fat from the body

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Reduces Heart Disease Risk 

Ghee contains Vitamin K2, which helps reduce calcium deposition in the arteries and protects them from calcification. It also decreases ‘bad cholesterol’ and boosts ‘good cholesterol.’

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