Did You Know These 10 Nutritious Facts About Kiwi?

By Vidushi Singh

The kiwi fruit is also a good source of potassium, folate, vitamins K, E, and C. The nutrient-rich composition of kiwi fruits is responsible for their health advantages.

Improves Heart Health

Kiwifruit is rich in potassium, a nutrient essential for heart health and also helps in lowering blood pressure level.

Helps Asthmatic Patients

The high vitamin C and E in kiwis may aid asthma treatment by enhancing lung functioning.

Promotes Digestion

The fiber in kiwi helps in treating constipation and loose motions and enhances the digestive system.

May Aid Cancer Treatment

Kiwi contains fiber, sulforaphane, isocyanate, and indolesi  which helps the body fight against cancer.

Aids Diabetes Treatment

Kiwi improves the glycemic response, and its high water and minimal glucose content helps in diabetes treatment.

Improves Eyesight

Kiwifruits are rich in vitamin C, powerful antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin that boost eyesight by keeping the cells and tissues of the eyes healthy.

May Promotes Liver Health

Kiwifruit was found to treat non-alcoholic fatty liver disease by reducing excess fat in the liver.

Promotes Healthy Sleeping Pattern

In a four-week study it was seen that eating kiwifruit before bed can improve sleep quality by increasing sleep time.

Helps In Losing Weight

Kiwis are low in calories and high in fiber which is the ideal food for losing weight.