Did You Know Margaritas Were Once A Hollywood Cocktail? 

By Jasmine Kaur

The delicious cocktail that forays into the list of standard cocktails of the world, as part of the International Bartender’s Association, Margarita has an interesting history too. 

All About Margarita 

This cocktail is a concoction made of lime juice, tequila and triple sec, with a half salt rim that adds to the acidic nature of the drink. 

Mexican Origins 

While there are many stories around its origins, usually involving a Mexican bartender, the most plausible one is related to the Jose Cuervo brand. 

What’s The  Mystery? 

A Mexican bartender experimented with tequila sour to make this drink and named it after a showgirl called Rita de la Rosa. With Mexican-American culture’s growth, it’s popularity rose. 

The Hollywood Connection

The brand’s aggressive marketing made it a favourite of Hollywood stars and celebrities and it was regarded as a craft cocktail that would be served at almost all social gatherings. 

Reason For  Popularity

The inexpensiveness and exotic taste of this concoction is what made it an ideal drink for both Hollywood stars and common man.