Did You Know About Goa’s Yummy Breakfast Spread? 

By Jasmine Kaur

When in Goa, go all out for the nightlife and crazy parties because you’ll find a delicious authentic breakfast spread waiting at your doorstep the next day. 

Goan Tonak 

Tonak and pao go hand in hand. The spicy curry or tonak can be made with peas, mushrooms or even oysters called kalva tonak. Enjoy with a side of soft pao. 

Ros Omelette 

The most favourite street food of Goa, ros means curry and omelette is well, an omlette. Cut into pieces and dipped in the curry, this dish is a must-have for breakfast. 

Chicken Cutlet Pao 

Deep-fry your chicken breast coated in rava or semolina. Sandwich the fried meaty bite in a soft bun called pao and slather with chutney and onions. 

Patal Bhaji 

Bhaji poori is a lesser-known classic Goan breakfast. Bhaji could range from aloo curry to patal (colocassia leaves) and chana dal bhaji served with buns (deep-fried pooris). 

Patti Samosas 

The specialty of these Goan samosas is that they are half-moon shaped and stuffed with peas and potatoes, served with coconut-coriander chutney.