Delightful Bitter Gourd Dishes From Bengali Kitchens

By Rajan Bhattacharya

July 1, 2024

Try traditional Bengali uchhe (bitter gourd) recipes at home. From uchhe chorchori to aloo uchhe jhal, these dishes showcase bitter gourd tastes. Get complete directions to make each dish and enjoy Bengali cuisine.

Uchhe Bhaja

Uchhe bhaja is a simple yet delightful fried bitter gourd dish. Serve immediately with rice and lentils.

Uchhe Chorchori

Uchhe Chorchori is a traditional Bengali mixed vegetable dish that includes bitter gourd. Serve hot with rice.

Uchher Dal/Tetor Dal

Uchher Dal is an exclusive combination of bitter gourd with moong dal. Finish with a dash of ghee and serve with steamed rice.

Uchche Kumro Bhaja

Uchche kumro bhaja is a stir-fried dish made with bitter gourd and pumpkin. Best enjoyed at the beginning of a meal with rice.

Uchche Chapor Ghonto

Uchche Chapor Ghonto is a unique dish made with bitter gourd and dal fritters. Serve with rice.

Aloo Uchhe Jhal

Aloo Uchhe Jhal is a spicy, bitter gourd and potato curry. Typically served at the beginning of a meal with rice.

Uchher Tarkari With Panchphoron Masala

For a simple yet flavourful Uchher tarkari with panchphoron, fry the bitter gourd slices until crispy and golden brown. Serve hot as an appetiser or side dish.