Delicious Mushroom Pakora For A Perfect Homemade Monsoon Snack

By Rajan Bhattacharya

July 14, 2024

Mushroom pakora is sure to please the guests, as it is delicious and a breeze to whip up. Here is a recipe to try


150 g halved button mushrooms 80 g chickpea flour 2 cloves of crushed garlic 6 g grated ginger 5 g chopped coriander 1/2 teaspoon turmeric 1 teaspoon salt Sunflower oil for deep-frying 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 teaspoon garam masala 140 ml of warm water 1 diced green chilly

Step 1

Transfer the chickpea flour to a bowl for mixing. Add the grated garlic and ginger to the flour.

Step 2

Mix the flour with water, salt, coriander, chilli, garam masala, and ground cumin.

Step 3

To create a batter, combine with a hand whisk and mix until smooth. Mushrooms should be cleaned and mixed into the batter.

Step 4

Add the battered mushrooms with a spoon. Fry for about five minutes at a medium-high temperature or until golden.