Delhi Pollution:  6 Must-Have Foods To Boost Oxygen Levels

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

November 5th, 2023

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Maintaining normal oxygen levels in the system is of utmost importance for optimal health. Oxygen uptake supports to carry out overall bodily functions, processes and triggers the immune system naturally. Here are 6 must-have foods to boost oxygen levels.

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Lemons are one of the best foods to increase oxygen levels in the body. The natural electrolytic activities make them an alkalising food.

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Avocados are endowed with a rich array of nutrients including vitamins A, B3, B6, B12, choline, folate, and healthy fats. These nutrients support enhance oxygen levels, reduce cholesterol, regulate blood sugar levels and lipid profile, safeguard DNA, optimise cardiac function, improve vision, and sustain weight.

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Pomegranates contain ample amounts of iron, copper, zinc and vitamins B3, B6 and choline. Adding these tiny bright kernels increases blood circulation by promoting nitric oxide bioavailability. Further, it also boosts oxygen delivery to the tissues.

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Carrots are bestowed with a wealth of nutrients. These nutrients are beneficial for detoxifying the system and improving the oxygen supply to the tissues.

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Nuts are nature’s bounty that comes with a plethora of nutrients and health benefiting traits. Nuts are greatly beneficial to the heart and blood vessels; they support smooth blood flow in the body and improve oxygen levels.

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Adding dark purple grapes reduces circulation problems and helps increase oxygen levels in the body.

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