By Deepali Verma
On her Instagram story, Deepika Padukone touts the health advantages of licorice. For those who aren't aware, liquorice has many beneficial effects on the skin, the body, and one's general sense of well-being. It has the ability to soothe the skin, improve its appearance, and maintain its natural moisture balance.
The anti-inflammatory effects of liquorice help reduce inflammation and its associated redness, itching, and swelling.
Liquorice helps lighten and level out skin tone by reducing melanin formation.
The anti-inflammatory and calming effects of liquorice are beneficial to digestive health.
Coughs and congestion are two of the many respiratory problems that liquorice is used to treat.
By increasing collagen formation, liquorice helps skin retain its suppleness.
The immune system is strengthened by licorice, making the body more resistant to illness.