Dealing With IBS? Try Isabgol For Better Gut Health And Fitness

By Shireen Jamooji

July 26, 2023

Isabgol, also known as psyllium husk, is a natural and versatile remedy with numerous health benefits.  Extracted from the seeds of Plantago ovata, it has been used for centuries in traditional medicine. 

Digestive Health

Isabgol's soluble fibre helps relieve constipation and promotes regular bowel movements, preventing gastrointestinal discomfort.

Weight Loss

Its fibrous content aids weight loss by promoting a feeling of fullness, reducing overeating, and regulating appetite.


Isabgol binds to cholesterol, reducing its absorption and promoting healthier lipid levels in the blood.

Blood Sugar

Soluble fibre slows down glucose absorption, helping maintain stable blood sugar levels in diabetics.


Isabgol aids in flushing out toxins from the body, supporting overall detoxification and improving skin health.

Heart Health

By lowering cholesterol and blood pressure, isabgol contributes to a healthier cardiovascular system.

IBS Relief

 Its soothing properties ease IBS symptoms like abdominal pain and irregular bowel patterns.


Isabgol promotes the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, enhancing gut health and boosting immunity.