Dalia Vs. Quinoa: Discover The Differences Between These Superfoods?

By Yash Lakhan

December 12th, 2023

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Dalia and quinoa are amazing breakfast options and superfoods that pack a lot of nutrition and benefits.  Here are the differences between dalia and quinoa to help you determine what suits you more.

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The Definition

Dalia is essentially wheat with husks, and it is also called cracked wheat, whereas quinoa is commonly called a pseudo-grain since it is more of a seed than a grain.

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Dalia has less fat and calories as compared to quinoa; therefore, it appeals more to fitness enthusiasts.

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When it comes to the Indian market, dalia is a way more accessible option since quinoa is only starting to make its way to Indian stores.

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If you are gluten-intolerant, then quinoa is a better choice for you since dalia, which is essentially wheat, is full of gluten.

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When it comes to pricing, dalia takes the win. It is cost-effective and much more economical than quinoa.

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