Dahi To Nuts: 10 Foods That Helps In Boosting Your Stamina

By Bornika Das

In this competitive world, we always have to fight our ways for which we are in dire need to stamina-rich foods. Notably, healthy foods can build stamina and increase energy levels. Check out the food that helps us in boosting our stamina.


It is a great source of protein and calcium. Besides, it soothes your stomach and helps to digest. You can consume dahi or yogurt on an empty stomach or right before a high-intensity workout.


To increase stamina, bananas are the best options. It is rich in carbohydrates, and has natural sugar and starch and are bound to keep you energetic throughout the day.


It is one of the best thing you can start your day with. It is nutrient-rich and packed with fibre. It provides the body with much required energy. 


They are probably the most healthy and protein-rich food. It helps with muscle repair and builds stamina. The essential amino acids keeps the fatigue away.


They are rich in minerals and irons and generate RBC that carry oxygen to the muscles when you're exercising.


They not only boost metabolism but also helps in improving stamina. They are a powerhouse of healthy fats and are an easy snack to munch on


It is known to be an instant energy provider. It trigers the central nervous system and helps to control and fight fatigue. 

Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables like spinach are packed with micronutrients while are essential for building stamina and improving RBC counts

Beetroot juice

Consuming a glass of beetroot juice before exercising helps your body workout for longer without feeling fatigue.It is rich in Vitamin A and C  and helps to build stamina.


Quinoa contains essential amino acids, vitamins , minerals and fibre. It is extremely easy to cook and can be cooked like rice in 10 minutes only.