
Custard Apple Ice Cream: Natural Homemade Ice Cream For This Festive Season

By Bornika Das

September 21, 2023

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Image Credit: Yummy Tummy Aarthi/Pinterest

Ice cream is our all-time favourite. Be it made with flavours like vanilla or chocolate or made with fruits, they tend to satisy our soul at any time of the day. With the festive season just begun, try out the custard apple ice cream. The intoxicating sweetness and rich aroma of custard apple, makes the ice cream wow. Try this simple recipe at home today: 

Image Credit: The Terrace Kitchen/Pinterest



2 cups milk 1 cup milk powder 1/2 cup (100 grams) fresh cream 1/3 cup powdered sugar 1 tsp vanilla essence 3/4 cup custard apple (sitaphal) pulp 

Image Credit: Curly Girl Kitchen/Pinterest


Step 1 

Combine all the ingredients except custard apple pulp and mix well till the sugar dissolves. Now add the custard apple pulp and mix well. 

Image Credit: A Latte Food/Pinterest


Step 2 

Pour it into a shallow container. Cover and freeze till it is semi set. 

Image Credit: Nature's Organic Ice Cream/Pinterest


Step 3 

Divide the mixture into 2 batches and churn it in the blender till the ice crystal breaks and ice cream becomes smooth and creamy. 

Image Credit: Foodtalk/Pinterest

Step 4 

Transfer both the batches into the shallow container. Cover and freeze till firm. 

Image Credit: Kathryn Southerland/Pinterest

Step 5 

Scoop and serve.

Image Credit: Katelig.livejournal/Pinterest