Craving Something Sweet Before Bed?  6 Healthy Nighttime Desserts!

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

September 10th, 2023

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Night is the time our cravings hit us hard. The craving for something sweet keeps us awake. When you're worried if your body will digest the extra calories, you need a healthy alternative to the rescue. Here are 6 healthy desserts to have before bed, when the cravings hit!

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Blueberries And Yoghurt

Yogurt is rich in probiotics, which improve digestion and contain tryptophan, regulating the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle. Pairing yogurt with fruit (a carbohydrate), allows tryptophan to cross the blood-brain barrier. A guilt free dessert for peaceful sleep.

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Fruits And Nuts

Add in a slight drizzle of honey and you've yourself a comforting nighttime dessert. It's nutritious, healthy and easy to make.

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Fruit Bars

If not for raw fruits, freeze them into popsicles for the perfect substitute for ice cream. Vitamins from fresh fruit without heavy cream or added sugar is a sweet treat sans the extra calories.

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Boring but really healthy, they contain fiber to fill you up and shut your cravings up for the night. Oats are also rich in melatonin, relaxing the body and encouraging sleep.

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Chocolate Dipped Strawberries

We know you love them! They are a classic, comforting dessert that is also nutritious. Plus the chocolate is very filling.

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Blend in some fruits and milk for a guilt free and tasty midnight drink. It keeps your stomach happy and gets you to sleep.

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