Cooking Hacks: 7 Ways You Can Replace Frying

By Smriti Dey

January 16, 2024

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Hate oily food? Deep fried dishes have lots of calorie and fat content. Give your cravings a healthy way which satisfies your taste buds at the same time. Try out seven outstanding ways to replace frying food to stay healthy and happy. 

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Many food items that are traditionally fried can be baked instead, such as chicken tenders, fish fillets and more. You can achieve a crispy texture by using a light egg wash and breadcrumbs.

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Grilling is an excellent way to add flavour without the need for excessive oil. Meats, vegetables, and even fruits can be grilled to perfection, providing a smoky and charred taste.

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Broiling is similar to baking but involves high-heat cooking. It's a quick method that can mimic the crispy texture of frying. 

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Steaming is a healthy cooking method that retains nutrients in your food. You need to use a bamboo steamer or a metal steaming basket for best results.

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This method uses less oil and allows you to control the cooking process easily. You need to use a non-stick pan or a well-seasoned cast-iron skillet.

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Roasting involves cooking food in an oven at high temperatures with minimal oil. It's a versatile method similar to grilling.

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Air Frying

If you still want that crispy texture without deep-frying, consider using an air fryer. It circulates hot air around the food, producing a crunchy exterior just like fried food. 

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