Cooking Hacks 101: How To Maintain Your Kitchen Goals This 2024?

By Smriti Dey

January 2, 2024

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With these effective strategies, you can effortlessly achieve and maintain your kitchen goals in 2024. From meal planning to organising your kitchen space, these tips help you stay on track and create a more efficient cooking environment. Less of work and more of cooking tasty dishes for your family. 

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Meal Planning And Prepping

Plan your meals for the week and prep ingredients in advance. Brownie points: make a shopping list based on your plan to save more time.

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Organise Your Kitchen Space

Make your kitchen easy to work with! Declutter countertops and organise utensils. Use drawer dividers for utensils and cutlery. Group similar items together in cabinets and pantry. Label containers for easy identification. 

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Efficient Cooking Techniques

Save time the easy way when cooking for many people! Master one-pot meals for easy cleanup. Also, you can batch-cook and freeze portions for future meals.

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Healthy Substitutions

You can also opt for healthier ingredient substitutions in recipes. Swap whole grains for refined grains or choose herbs and spices for flavour instead of excessive salt.

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Time Management In The Kitchen

Prioritise tasks and multitask when possible and set timers for different cooking stages. Time is the real key!

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Fresh Herb Garden

Plants are always the best! Maintain a small herb garden for fresh flavours. Save time and money all at once.

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Experiment With New Recipes

Throw out boredom outside the window! Keep cooking exciting by trying new recipes to manage the routine.

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